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Top 10 best SEO Tips to follow in 2020

SEO tips

Blogs posts are crucial for every business these days. However, most bloggers fail to take advantage of the enormous marketing potential of their blogs. Writing a perfect blog post requires skill and good practice of proper SEO optimization techniques and useful SEO tips.

Want to learn how to optimize your blog posts to make them more search engine friendly? In today’s post, we’re going to cover the most essential best SEO tips to follow while writing blogs.

1. Use HTTPs

HTTPS has been one of the Google ranking factors since 2014 and one of the important SEO tips. It encrypts information sent between the visitor and server, making the pages on your website more secure. You can check the loading bar in your browser and look for a lock icon before the URL to know if your site is already using HTTPS. If it is not the case then you must install an SSL certificate. Switching to HTTPS is a one-time job and most of the web hosting services offer these in their packages.

2. Avoid duplicate content

One of the foremost and best SEO practices is to create one’s unique content. Google clearly states to avoid “duplicate or near-duplicate versions of your content across your site.” Everything from titles, descriptions and content should be unique and well written. It also applies to title tags, Meta description tags, landing pages, category pages etc.

3. Keyword research

Keyword research is a critical component of SEO. If you choose a keyword that nobody is searching then all your invested time, effort, and money will be in vain.

For getting the apt keyword, you must understand your target market and how they are searching for your content, services, or products. You must have a clear idea of how many numbers of people are searching, what they are searching and how they want the information.

4. Use keywords wisely

Next while using keywords, you must avoid keyword stuffing. The keywords in your content must not appear or feel unnatural. A good practice is to focus on one or two long-tail keywords per blog post. Long-tail keywords with lower search volume often convert better, because searchers are more specific and intentional in their searches. It is better to keep the focus of the post narrow enough that allows spending time optimizing for just one or two keywords. You must use your target keyword in title tags, headings, meta description and also the URL.

5. Optimizing Title tag for SEO

It’s important to use high-quality titles on your web pages. Title tags must be planned in a way to describe the page’s content. You must use your target a specific keyword or long-tail keyword.

It demonstrates clearly what your page offers what the searcher can align it with their query. However, care must be taken to avoid mere keyword stuffing and the title must be readable and meaningful.

6. URL Structure

A properly utilized URL structure is a perfect one among the SEO tips that help your visitors. Always use words in URLs that are relevant to your page’s content. Using the query you’re targeting is the simplest way. However, make sure you avoid using long URLs that intimidate the searchers.

Simply remove all the unnecessary details and stop words from URL while retaining the focus words and make the URL short and simple.

7. Meta description

You can find meta description as a short text that appears in the SERPs. It gives an idea to the readers what the link is about. So searchers can decide whether or not your content is what they’re looking and ultimately whether they must click or not.

The meta description must be compelling as well as reader-friendly. The meta description must not contain more than 150 characters. Besides, it should also include the long-tail keyword for which you are trying to rank.

8. Ensure faster pages loading

A slow-loading page is really bad for SEO. You can try several techniques like using a CDN, use lazy-loading etc.  Since most websites depend on one server in the same location, data has to travel long distances before it appears in their browser for some visitors. CDNs copy important resources to a network of servers around the globe and enable the resources to load locally.

You must also use an SEO optimized theme that can help your website to crawl up the search engines. Compressing images decreases the file size also enable to ensure fast-loading pages.

9. Optimize Images

Besides compressing images you should also optimize the images. Google look for images with image alt text. So, to ensure your images aid your blog’s SEO, you must add alt tags and use descriptive filenames to enable Google to understand your images.

Image Alt text and description enables Google to understand your images, which can help your pages rank as well as helps those images rank in the Google Images. While naming the image use your keywords. Make the description specific and keep it below 125 characters. For alt tags, you must use spaces and avoid hyphens.

10. Link Building 

It enables you to expand your influence by earning attention.HTML hyperlinks point from one website to another and help show search engines the validity or relevancy of your content. The same goes for linking internally to other pages on your website. Backlinks are also important to SEO and generally like a vote of confidence for websites. Backlinks from trustworthy, popular, high-authority sites are considered the most desirable backlinks to earn.

As good blogging etiquette, you can also mention another blogger or article in your blog post and this can also help you receive a link back. So these were some of the best SEO tips to follow in 2020. Whether its a business blog or a blogging platform to earn money, you can follow these and improve your SEO.


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